

Equal Pay Chants At World Cup

Equal Pay Chants At World Cup Resound Across America Just over the Fourth of July weekend (2019), the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team dominated (2-0) for the World Cup, taking home the team’s fourth world championship title. Amidst the crowd, however, there were more than shouts of joy and expressions of excitement—the celebrating fans clearly chanted “Equal Pay, Equal Pay”. And it isn’t a far reach to wonder [...]

Best Makeup Look Gor The Summer

Depending on where you live, summertime can be hot to downright unbearable. It can also affect your makeup too if you aren’t careful with your application. Makeup likes to move in the heat and sweat, heat, and humidity can all contribute to your make up appearing to look caked on or “heavy”. Eliminate the “caked”-on appearance, smudged eyeliner, and sticky lipstick by taking up these simple tips and makeup [...]

I Am A Woman, Hear Me ROAR

She sang it in 1972, but the words, “I am a woman, hear me roar” ring louder today than they ever have before. Numerous movements and supporting movements for women’s rights have been gathering speed and attention in the last year alone. It appears Helen Reddy was on to something. To honour the woman who gave us an anthem and all the women who have come before and after; [...]